Lonnie Moffitt

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Lonnie Moffitt

Since 2002, Lonnie Moffitt has worked in the flight director office as an integration engineer supporting the Shuttle flight directors. He received a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Murray State University in Kentucky. Following college, he worked at Cape Canaveral during the Gemini space program. From there, he went to Sunnyvale, California with Lockheed Missiles and Space, working in the Polaris missile program. He then moved to Houston, where he was involved in Apollo 11, the lunar mission, and Apollo 13. He remained at the Manned Spacecraft Center until the end of the Apollo program. Mr. Moffitt returned to Kentucky and taught mathematics during the 1970s while completing work on a master's degree. In 1981 he moved back to Houston, working in the Shuttle program at the Johnson Space Center until the present. He worked in Shuttle simulation and for twelve years served as a support engineer in the Astronaut Office.
