Mar 29 1974

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President Nixon wired congratulations to Dr. James C. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, on Mariner 10's successful 5 Feb. flyby of the planet Mercury: "The successful flight . . . marks another historic milestone in America's continuing exploration of the solar system. With this mission we will begin to end centuries of speculation about our planetary neighbor closest to the Sun. On behalf of all Americans, I extend warm-est congratulations to NASA and the Mariner 10 team on their outstanding performance. The hard work, skill, and ingenuity that contributed to the success of Mariner 10 is in keeping with that historical tradition which began when men landed at Plymouth Rock and has continued through the landing of men on the moon." (PD, 1 April 74, 374)

President Nixon issued Executive Order 11775 abolishing the Energy Policy Office, which had been established 29 June 1973. The responsibilities of the Office would be taken over by the Federal Energy Office, established 4 Dec. 1973. (PD, 1 April 74, 356)

A Black Brant sounding rocket launched from Peru by a team of U.S. and Peruvian scientists found evidence that auroral activity occurred not only in the polar regions but in the ionosphere near the earth's geo-magnetic equator. The scientists-from Aerospace Corp., Univ. of Texas, U.S. Air Force, Peru's Geophysical Institute, and the Peruvian government-were studying recurring ionospheric disturbances, known as spread F, that had been discovered by Peruvian radar studies. (Miles, LA Times, 28 April 74).

Immigration of scientists and engineers into the U.S. had dropped sharply, from the record 10 300-13 300 yearly between 1967 and 1972 to 6600 in 1973, the National Science Foundation reported. The decrease reflected the impact of the 4 Feb. 1971 restrictions in immigration regulations. (NSF Highlights, 29 Mar 74)

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