Aug 14 2006

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NASA announced that it had misplaced the original recordings of the first Moon landing, along with other tapes containing data from that same mission. NASA had initially transferred the tapes to the U.S. National Archives, later storing them at NASA’s GSFC. NASA officials noted that NASA still had copies of all of the data on the tapes, including the footage of Neil A. Armstrong’s historic first steps on the Moon. However, they also noted that the images on the copies were of lower quality than those on the original magnetic tapes, because NASA equipment had been incompatible with television technology when the first human mission to the Moon took place. NASA had displayed the original transmissions of the Moon landing on a monitor and pointing a television camera at the monitor to broadcast the images on television. NASA was continuing to look for the tapes.

Robert Colvile, “One Giant Slip-Up for Mankind, NASA Has Mislaid the Original Footage of Neil Armstrong’s Historic Moon Landing,” Daily Telegraph (London), 14 August 2006; Washington Post, “Tape of 1st Moon Landing Missing,” 15 August 2006.

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