Nov 28 1964

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NASA MARINER IV Mars probe was successfully launched into interplanetary orbit from Cape Kennedy, Fla. by an Atlas-Agena D launch vehicle. The Agena D separated from the Atlas 115 mi. up and injected itself into a parking orbit around the earth. It then reignited and injected itself into a Mars trajectory. MARINER IV was detached and locked onto the sun for solar power and stabilization on one axis and opened its solar panels. Later, the probe would lock on the star Canopus for second-axis stabilization-the first time a star would be used for an attitude reference on a long space mission. In addition to equip-ment for televising the Martian surface, MARINER IV carried instruments to study radiation, space dust, and magnetic forces near earth, Mars and in deep space. The trajectory as presently calculated would carry MARINER IV within 151,000 mi. of Mars by mid-July. (NASA Releases 266, 288; Hines, Wash. Eve. Star, 11/29/64; NYT, 11/29/64; Miles, Wash. Post, 11/30/64)

USAF Athena missile was destroyed in flight over south-eastern Utah when high winds threatened to force it off course. The Athena was used to test re-entry procedures for ImeS. (UPI, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 11/28/64)

At his news conference in Johnson City, Tex., President Johnson spoke of Vice President-elect Humphrey's prospective duties. "I know he has demonstrated an intense interest in our space activities, and under the Space Act he will be the new Chairman of the Space Council. . ." (Transcript, UPI, Wash. Post, 11/29/64)

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