12. What, if any, amenities and facilities will space hotels have? What will our accommodations be like? (A K2S Question)

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Will they be nice? Will they be comfortable? Will we have our own room with a desk, a viewing cubicle, any furniture or any privacy? Our own space or place for sleeping? Many things will be different in space. Besides the basic accommodations like enough water, food and air, there will be private quarters for guests to sleep, read e-mails, and write. There will be private toilets and body washing facilities; windows for viewing Earth, the Moon, and the stars; public lounges and dining areas for guests to meet and socialize; and a large space for you to tumble around in micro-gravity. In time, these simple accommodations will be become more sophisticated. We may have zero-gravity bars or playrooms with fun inflatable furniture. Some modules can even be dedicated to a special function: one can be a zero-gravity sport center, another can be a botanical garden, yet another can be a media or gaming space. Showers, toilets and sinks will have to be designed differently to force the water out or to not use water at all. Food is just like the food on Earth and is eaten the same way. Even microwave cooking can be used. Drinking must be done through a straw with a valve to control the flow of liquid.

Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer