15. How long will Earth last? Could Earth blow up some day? (A K2S Question)

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The Earth will last as a chunk of rock for a very long time. It is already 4,600 million years old. Astronomers who study the Universe tell us that stars like our Sun do not stay the same forever, however. This means that it will not always be so comfortable for us to live here. The Sun could eventually grow much bigger and hotter. If that happens, then we shall all have to move further out. How would you like to live on Mars? The Earth does have other long term threats, too, such as an eventual asteroid impact, or major volcanic eruptions, or nuclear war. So, all in all, it could be a good idea to develop space travel—we all may need it someday, in the very distant future! Meanwhile, while we live here on Earth, we need to look after our environment and precious atmosphere.

Answer provided by Derek Webber

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer