Jun 6 1970

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Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong and wife, Janet, participated in ceremonies in Rome, Italy, during which Mrs. Armstrong christened Alitalia Boeing 747 named for her husband. Later Arm strong and wife flew in 747 Neil A. Armstrong from Rome to New York. (C Trib, 6/6/70)

NASA released Ecological Surveys from Space (NASA SP-230). Monograph listed feasible uses of spacecraft in 1970s and described scientific and technical studies of new images and concepts of earth acquired by venture into space. Publication contained photos taken from aircraft and from Gemini and Apollo spacecraft. (Text)

Alaska Airlines inaugurated "Gold Samovar" service between Anchorage, Alaska, and central U.S.S.R. Series of 10 summer flights marked first commercial route and charter authority negotiated by private airline company with Soviets, according to Alaska Airlines Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Charles F. Willis, Jr. (Valentine, W Post, 6/16/70, C2)

Aegir, 180-metric-ton (200-short-ton) undersea habitat with six-man crew, reached surface after more than 120 hrs on ocean floor off coast of Oahu, Hawaii. Aegir was to have ascended from 157-m (516-ft) depth on June 5 but pressure valve in ballast tank malfunctioned, Habitat was refloated by rigging bypass into ballast tanks and feeding compressed air from surface support ship into tank. (W Post, 6/8/70, A4)

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