Aug 23 1964

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Democratic Party Platform completed, containing space plank which stated: "In four vigorous years we have moved to the forefront of space exploration. The United States must never again settle for second place in the race for tomorrow's frontiers. "1. We will continue the rapid development of space technology for peaceful uses. "2. We will encourage private industry to increase its efforts in space research. "3. We will continue to ensure that any race in space is won for freedom and for peace." (Text, AP, Balt. Sun, 8/24/64)

In videotaped interview broadcast on NBC-TV, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson was asked to name those accomplishments of her husband of which she was most proud. The First Lady named, in the following order, the President's work on behalf of a TVA-type project for Texas in the 1930's, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, and the Civil Rights Act of 1957- (NASA Memo)

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