May 17 1979

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NASA announced that Dr. Robert A. Frosch, its administrator, would head a 13-member delegation of U.S. officials to the People's Republic of China May 19-June 3 to learn about PRC space activities and discuss areas of planned cooperation, including a PRC domestic communications satellite system and ground station for PRC reception of Landsat data. The U.S. group, including representatives of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Security Council, State Department, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, NOAA, and U.S. Geological Survey, would meet with PRC officials in Beijing and tour their space installations. Frosch would return to the United States, after the Beijing meetings. The group had been invited by Dr. Jen Xin-min, head of the PRC Academy of Space Technology and leader of a space delegation that visited NASA and space industry firms in 1978; President Carter and PRC vice premier Deng Xiaoping had signed an agreement on space cooperation January 31, 1979.

Meanwhile, the press reported that ComSatCorp president Joseph Charyk had told the corporation's annual meeting in Washington of talks with PRC representatives on providing ComSat technical assistance in building a network of satellites and ground stations estimated to cost "in the hundreds of millions of dollars," most of the necessary equipment to be purchased in the United States (NASA Release 79-70; W Star, May 16/79, F-1; W Post, May 16/79, D7)

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