Sep 9 1984

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A working meeting, in Paris, of astronauts from the Soviet Union, the United States, and France concluded after participants expressed concern for mankind's future and the need for cooperation, and they emphasized their desire to use their unique experience to promote space exploration and the use of space technology for the good of all people. Participating in the meeting were Soviet cosmonauts A.A. Leonov (Voskhod-2 and Soyuz Apollo), O.G. Makarov (Soyuz 12, Soyuz 27, Soyuz T3), and Yuri V. Romanenko (Soyuz 26, Soyuz 38); U.S. astronauts R. Schweickart (Apollo 9), E. Mitchell (Apollo 14), and D. Eisele (Apollo 7); and French astronaut J.L. Chretien. The participants agreed to set up an organization of those who had traveled in space, with the aim of studying the potential and promoting the constructive use of space to improve living conditions on Earth„ formulating positive prospects for future generations, and promoting the establishment of broad contacts among people who had been in space to identify opportunities for cooperation and issues of common concern. (FBIS, Moscow TRUD in Russian, Sept 12/84; FBIS Moscow Tass in English, Sept 11/84)

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