Jan 14 1986

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NASA and SPACEHAB signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish cooperation for the latter's efforts to develop and market payload bay habitable modules, truncated metal cylinders that would be additions to the orbiter's crew department and connected by tunnel adapters. These modules, designed to increase the pressurized volume of the Space Shuttle, would serve as additional living and work space for the astronauts by providing an additional 1,000 cubic feet.

Another MOU, signed by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), was intended to give NASA access to Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the first European Remote Sensing Satellite for Government research purposes at the Fairbanks, Alaska, station that NASA was developing in connection with its Navy Remote Ocean Sensing Satellite System Scatterometer (NROSS). The data received from the ERS-1 satellite, engineers hoped, would enhance NASA-supported polar ice research, NROSS, the Topography Experiment for Ocean Circulation and Shuttle Imaging Radar-C. NASA was then to exchange its Scatterometer and radar imagery for other ERS-1 data of interest. The ERS-1 was scheduled for launch in 1989. (NASA Release 86-6; 86-7; B Sun, Jan 17/86)

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