Mar 13 1992

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Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)

Dr. Everett Gibson of NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas, Dr. Haraldur Karlsson, and scientists at the University of Chicago analyzed drops of water extracted from several meteorites believed to have come from Mars and concluded that the oxygen isotopes in the water were extraterrestrial. Photographs returned to Earth from the Mariner 9 and Viking spacecraft show features that suggest Mars once may have had a water-rich atmosphere and flowing water on its surface. Through the years, several meteorites have been collected on Earth that scientists have identified as Martian by comparing them to information gleaned by the Viking spacecraft. Six of these meteorites were used in the water extraction procedure. Findings from the work completed by the team may answer some questions about the processes operating in the solar system. (NASA Release 92-35)

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