Jan 4 1967

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XB-70 No. 1 research aircraft piloted by NASA test pilot Fitzhugh Fulton and North American Aviation, Inc., pilot Van Shepard reached mach 2.53 and 60,400-ft altitude during flight at Edwards AFB for national sonic boom program. (NASA Proj Off)

A record number of visitors--246,838--toured MSFC in 1966. (MSFC Release 67-1)

British government would launch an all-British satellite within 2« yrs , Reuters reported. According to a Daily Mail article, a 200-lb satellite would be launched from Woomera Rocket Range with new Black Arrow rocket. (Reuters, NYT, 1/4/67,40)

Unarmed Mace A missile, launched by USAF from Eglin AFB, Fla., during target-interception practice, went out of control and accidentally flew over the western tip of Cuba before crashing into the sea. (Wilson, W Post, 1/5/67, Al)

Replacement of obsolete missiles by more advanced types had resulted in the largest surplus-disposal program since the end of World War II, Frederick Taylor asserted in the Wall Street Journal. DOD was reportedly trying to dispose of more than 200 phased-out Atlas and Titan I missiles and their sites, and it seemed probable that within a few years 800 Minuteman I, 600 Polaris, and 54 Titan II missiles also would become obsolete, adding to the surplus. (Taylor, WSJ, 1/4/67, 1)

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