Feb 21 1966

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Former Astronaut John H. Glenn, Jr., consultant to NASA Administrator James E. Webb, attended dinner in Rangoon, Burma, given in his honor by Burma’s Foreign Minister U Thi Han. In Burma on a good-will tour, Glenn earlier had given an illustrated lecture on US. space program. ‘‘(AP, NYT, 2/22/66, 4)’’

Russian-born Igor I. Sikorsky, “father of the helicopter,” was honored as Air Force Man of the Year by the New York chapter of the Air Force Assn. He was cited especially for the outstanding work helicopters had done in the Vietnam war. ‘‘(N.Y. News, 2/21/66)’’

U.S.S.R. launched COSMOS CX containing two dogs -Veterok and Ugolyek -on whom “biological investigations” would be conducted, Tass announced. Initial orbital data: apogee, 905 km. (562 mi.); perigee, 187 km. (116 mi.); period, 96.3 min.; inclination, 51.54°. Equipment was functioning normally. Tass noted COSMOS CX launch marked first time since period prior to Cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin’s April 12,1961, VOSTOK I spaceflight that dogs had been launched and added that “further study of outer space, the moon and the inner planets of the solar system” was impossible without further development of %pace biology and medicine.” Announcement was first indication that satellites in Cosmos series were equipped to carry anything but instruments. ‘‘(Tass, 2/23/66; Pravda, 2/24/66, 1, USS-T Trans.)’’

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