12. In the future, will there be schools for kids to go to if they live on the Moon and on different planets? And will we also be able to go to college in space? Will the International Space University have a branch somewhere in space? (A K2S Question)

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One of the goals of living in a lunar colony would be to set up a working community. So yes, there would be schools, but I don't think there would be too many pencils to sharpen or much paper to use. It would all be done by computers or with some kind of cosmic gadget for gathering and giving out information. How wonderful it would be to have a branch of the International Space University on the Moon. You would have the opportunity to get "up close and personal" with data needed for a lunar research project right from the Moon and then be able to send it back to Earth! Research and development would be very important at the university level. Can you imagine the discoveries and inventions that could happen?

Answer provided by Pam Leestma

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer