29. What are the names of the other, if any, universes and how far away are they from ours? (A K2S Question)

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We don't know of any other universes, so they don't have names. When describing alternate universes, distance doesn't really have any meaning, as alternate universes, if they exist, are outside our definitions of space. Look at the middle of a piece of paper. How far is it from one side of the paper to the other? The sides of the paper are the thickness of the paper apart, but you would have to travel about eight inches to get to the edge of the paper and around to the other side. Now, try to imagine that the paper is a mile across. You have to travel a lot further to get to place that is a fraction of an inch away. If your paper is infinite you won't be able to get to the other side, even though it is very close. Alternate universes may be that close and that far away at the same time!

Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer