Oct 19 1961

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In a speech at Naval Research Laboratory, Harold Brown, Director of Defense Research and Engineering, said Government labs would hereafter be the "primary means" for carrying out military weapon programs; that DOD would seek an increase in the number of supergrade scientific positions and would ask for the same top pay for scientists as NASA has; that labs would be given increased status in the chain of command; and that lab directors will be given funds they can spend for research without prior approval.

NASA Administrator Webb, speaking at the 20th American Assembly, said the accelerated space program was necessary or else "we would see the Russians, with the advantage of their advance position in booster thrust, stay continuously ahead. The cost over the 10 years of the accelerated program will very probably be less than if it were stretched out over 15 years." NASA Scout launched from Wallops Island, Va., and placed 94-pound P-21 payload to 4,261-mile altitude in a study of the ionosphere.

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