Nov 21 1961

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In a speech on "Our National Program in Space," NASA Administrator Webb said: "In carrying out its responsibilities, NASA cooperates with and depends upon private industry, universities, and many other Government agencies—not only the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Bureau of Standards, but the Weather Bureau, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Aviation Agency, the National Science Foundation, and others.

"It has been only 4 years since the first manmade satellite orbited the Earth. Since then, progress in this new field of space has been tremendous. I believe that in the years ahead the rate of progress will trace a steeply ascending curve. I believe also that the many problems we will solve to achieve manned exploration of space will create a wealth of new materials, consumer goods, processes, and techniques, thus opening a host of new jobs, careers, opportunities for investment, and a general national growth.

"We can be first in space if we advance our scientific and technical knowledge at the most rapid rate possible, and if we go forward with the sustained effort that it requires. That is the basis of our national space effort." Titan ICBM launched from Cape Canaveral carrying target nose cone to be used in Nike-Zeus antimissile-missile tests. This was first Titan ICBM to be fired from Cape Canaveral by a military crew, AFBSD's 6555th Aerospace Test Wing.

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