Feb 28 1962

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Mercury astronauts Shepard, Grissom, and Glenn appeared before both the House Science and Astronautics Committee and the Senate Aeronautics and Space Committee, answering a variety of questions on future manned space flight. Dr. Robert Seamans, NASA Associate Administrator, summarized specific NASA program, manpower, and money requirements before the House Committee.

USAF Atlas–E ICBM launched from Vandenberg AFB, the first such launch from this base.

NASA announced that it would acquire launch facility at the Pacific Missile Range to be used for all NASA Thor-Agena B launches requiring a polar orbit (e.g. Echo II). The basic Thor pad structure is being provided by the USAF in addition to management for certain pad modifications, while the Army provided a surplus Redstone Service Tower and the Navy operates the Pacific Missile Range. NASA field responsibility on the West Coast is provided by the NASA Launch Operations Directorate Test Support Office, Point Mugu, headed by Simon J. Burttschell.

H. Douglas Garner and Henry J. E. Reid, Jr., aerospace technologists at NASA Langley Research Center, awarded $1,000 for invention of Horizon Scanning Active Attitude Orientation of Stabilized Space Vehicles. James S. Albus, engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, awarded $1,000 for his invention of a Digital Solar Aspect Sensor. Invention awards of less than $1,000 were made to following NASA employees: William H. Kinard and Sidney A. Batterson, Langley Research Center; Estin N. Baker, Jess S. W. Davidsen, Ralph L. Mossino, and Gilbert G. Robinson, Ames Research Center; Wilhelm Angele, Marshall Space Flight Center.

Under Secretary of State George C. McGhee testified before the Senate Aeronautics and Space Committee in support of the Administration bill to create a private corporation for the U.S. portion of a global satellite communications system. He said that it "would lead to opportunities for all members of the family of nations . . . to participate in a truly joint venture which will be clearly to the benefit of all mankind . . . ." USAF released unclassified "U.S. Air Force Space Policy" Report to the House Armed Services Committee in executive session. It, was reported as saying that the U.S. must "recognize the peril" of Soviet space supremacy, take the lead in military space technology, and called for continued close cooperation with NASA.

Ejection capsule test at Edwards AFB, Chief W/O Edward J. Murray (USAF) was ejected from B-58 flying at 565 mph and capsule parachuted to earth successfully.

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