Jul 29 1962

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UCLA scientists reported that they had developed training devices to allow men to contract individual muscles, which during the stresses of liftoff or re-entry in space flight would permit trained astronauts to operate controls by twitching single muscles.

Reported that NASA’s two-man Gemini spacecraft would probably begin flying and making landings in West or South Texas in 1963, using Rogallo wing and landing skids.

Disclosed that the U.S. and U.S.S.R. differed on the total width of microwave bands to be assigned to communications satellites. U.S. proposed two bands with total width of about 3,000 megacycles, but U.S.S.R. favored a much narrower band of frequencies which would include those used by military and would be subject to considerable interference. To date, only informal proposals were made, and the negotiations to work out frequencies for satellite communications were still in the future.

Soviet in Day, Admiral of the Fleet Serge" G. Gorshkov declaring in article in Pravda that rocket-firing atomic submarines are the backbone of the Soviet Navy; "The Soviet fleet is now more modern than the navy of any capitalist country."

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