April 1957

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Upper Atmosphere Rocket Research Panel was renamed the Rocket and Satellite Research Panel. Its chairman was James A. Van Allen of the State University of Iowa.

A. Dollfus flew from Paris, France, on a cluster of 100 weather balloons to an altitude of 42,000 feet.

“Rockets Explore the Air Above Us” article appears in National Geographic Magazine

"The Earth Satellite Project" cover story appears in Newnes Practical Mechanics showing something that looks remarkably like Sputnik 1, which would not be launched for another six months.

The U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., began studies of a large clustered-engine booster to generate 1.5 million pounds of thrust, as one of a related group of space vehicles. During 1957-1958, approximately 50,000 man-hours were expended in this effort.

H. H. Koelle, F. L. Williams, W. G. Huber, and R. C. Callaway, Jr., Juno Space Vehicle Development Program; (Phase I): Booster Feasibility Demonstration (Army Ballistic Missile Agency, October 13, 1958), p. 1.

Missiles & Rockets Apr 1957