Jan 1 1968

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NASA announced it would conduct 29 major launches from ETR and WTR during 1968. Surveyor-G launch, last in Surveyor series, was scheduled for Jan. 7. Launch of OGO-E would include last scheduled flight of Atlas-Agena launch vehicle from ETR; future unmanned inter­planetary probes and high-altitude earth-orbital launches would use hydrogen-fueled Centaur. Two unmanned tests of Apollo lunar module and first manned test of Apollo spacecraft would use new Saturn IB vehicle. Three Apollo tests employing Saturn V would be launched from new spaceport complex at KSC. In addition to OGO and Surveyor, 11 scientific satellites would be launched from ETR-four Intelsats, ATS-D, OAO, OSO, Biosatellite-D, HEOS (launched for ESRO), Pioneer-D and Skynet comsat (launched for U.K.). Another 10 scientific satellites would be launched from WTR--four TOS spacecraft (launched for ESSA), OGO-F, GEOS-B, Nimbus-B, IMP-G, Radio Astronomy Explorer-A, and International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies (joint American and Canadian program). About 250 sounding rockets and scientific probes of upper atmos­phere would be launched from NASA Wallops Station. (NASA Release 67-315; KSC Release 451-67)

President Johnson announced stringent Government controls over pri­vate investments abroad and measures to reduce U.S. balance-of-pay­ments deficit by $3 billion in 1968. At Johnson City, Tex., news confer­ence, he said actions would reduce intolerable deficit that could "en­danger the strength of the entire free world economy, and thereby threaten our unprecedented prosperity at home." (Harwood, W Post, 1/2/68, 1)

Membership of NASA Historical Advisory Committee was designated for 1968-1969: Dr. Melvin Kranzberg, Case Western Reserve Univ., as Chairman; Dr. Eugene M. Emme, NASA Historian, as Executive Secre­tary; Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, MIT; Dr. James L. Cate, Univ. of Chicago; Dr. Earl H. DeLong, American Univ.; Dr. A. Hunter Dupree, Univ. of California at Berkeley; Dr. Joe B. Frantz, Univ. of Texas; Dr. Louis Morton, Dartmouth College; and Robert L. Perry, RAND Corp. (NASA NMI 1156.3A; NASA Special Release, 1/5/68)

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