May 1949

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Single-stage Russian rocket attained an altitude of 63 miles with an instrument payload of 20-1 to 286 pounds, according to Tass, March 27, 1958.

Pratt & Whitney submitted specifications for XJ57-P-1 turbojet engine, basic design for which had begun in 1947 and for which production began in February 1953. The 557 ultimately powered the B-52, YB-60, F-100, F-101, YV-105A, KC-135, Boeing 707, F4D, and A3D, as well as the SNARK (SM-62) missile.

NACA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory completed a 10- by 14-inch supersonic wind tunnel with top Mach number of 5, later increased to 0.3.

“Is US Building a New Moon?” article in Popular Science magazine