01. Do scientists go to space? (A K2S Question)

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Yes. They can be trained as astronaut-pilots having spacecraft duties during most of their spaceflight, or they may be full-time scientist astronauts during their trip. In both cases, a good knowledge of science is important to solving problems and making discoveries. Are missions an integral part of most trips to space? About how many kinds of missions, or tasks, are conducted during each trip? Missions, objectives or experiments, are an important part of any spaceflight. They focus crewmembers' planning efforts before the flight, and their activities during the trip. The number of missions on a trip varies with both the length of a trip and the number of crewmembers; from as few as one or two tasks during short flights to dozens on long trips.

Answer provided by Charles D. Walker, Ph.D

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer