01. When did the first robot go to space? What was its mission? (A K2S Question)

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Most people think that the first robot was Sputnik, launched by the Russians in 1957. However, satellites are not generally thought of as robots. The first robot to ever go into space was the Russian robot Lunakhod 1, launched in 1970. It was a robot designed to drive around the surface of the Moon, shoot video, and take sensor readings with its four sensors. It was intended to last for only three lunar days, but it lasted for 11 days before the batteries ran out. Russian scientists controlled it from here on Earth. It was like controlling a very hitech remote control car from very far away!

Lunokhod 1

Answer provided by CAF Capt. Marc Fricker

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer