Apr 24 1969

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NASA'S Mariner VI and Mariner VII spacecraft were 10 million mi and 6.47 million mi from earth en route to Mars. Mariner VI Canopus tracker had failed to change position properly April 20 and search was underway to find substitute for Canopus. (JPL Status Bull)

President Nixon announced appointment of five new members to 19-member President's Science Advisory Committee: Dr. John D. Baldeschwieler, professor of chemistry at Stanford Univ.; Dr. Richard L. Garwin, Director of IBM Watson Laboratory at Columbia Univ.; Dr. Murray Gell-Mann, professor of theoretical physics at Cal Tech; Dr. Patrick E. Haggerty, President of Texas Instruments, Inc.; and Dr. Gerald F. Tape, President of Associated Universities, Inc. (PD, 4/28/69, 602)

Signing of $8,802,472 supplemental agreement with McDonnell Douglas Corp. defining 18 change orders affecting S-IVB quality maintenance program was announced by MSFC. Agreement included reliability and quality reviews, documentation, and expanded production acceptance tests. (MSFC Release 69-122)

FAA announced initiation of Airport Data System (ADS) to collect and validate data on facilities and service available at nation's airports in centralized section of FAA-National Flight Data Center (NFDC). Data would be made available to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and commercial chart producers. (FAA Release T 69-20)

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