Dec 29 1963

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Soviet newspaper Pravda announced Soviet radio-astronomy station had bounced radio signals off planet Jupiter when the planet was 370 million mi. from earth last September and October. The radio signals took one hour and six minutes to travel the 740-million-mi. round trip from the earth to Jupiter and back. Academician Vladimir A. Kotelnikov, director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, was quoted as saying the experiment was designed to study reflective properties of Jupiter's surface and radiowave propagation over long distances. (Shabad, NYT 12/30/63)

In letter to NASA Administrator James E. Webb, New York Congressional delegation urged NASA to select site in New York state for its proposed electronics research center. NASA had received more than 30 bids from areas in at least 19 states for location of the center. (AP, NYT, 12/30,163 ; :MI?, 12/23/63, 9)

FCC Chairman E. William Henry said in year-end statement: "Con­tinued experiments with `Telstar', 'Relay' and `Syncom' hold forth the promise that space satellites, in the next few years, can pro­vide reliable and economic communications." (um, Wash. Post, 12/30/63)

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