Jun 27 1967

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Both House and Senate considered NASA FY 1968 authorization bills. Final votes would be taken June 28. (NASA LAR VI/68)

NASA Deputy Administrator Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., visited MSFC and MTF to discuss progress in AA and Saturn launch vehicle programs. He would visit MSC June 28. (MSFC Release 67-132; Marshall Star, 6/28/67, 1)

The wife of Soviet Cosmonaut Aleksei A. Leonov, first man to walk in space, gave birth to their second daughter, Soviet press reported. (UPI, W Post, 6/28/67, A18)

Survey by New York Times correspondents indicated that Western Europe had taken little action to close the "technology gap" with the US., Brendan Jones reported. Discussions and meetings had helped clarify the problems but had also caused discouragement about achieving any quick solutions. Survey, which covered 10 countries, also indicated that increases being made in research spending in Western Europe were still comparatively small. Plans for combining technical knowledge by Common Market countries or increasing exchange of technology with U.S. through NATO were in only the proposal stages. (Jones, NYT, 6/27/67,51)

France exploded a nuclear device of "low yield" near Mururoa Atoll in the Pacific. (AP, NYT, 6/28/67,3)

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