Mar 10 1970

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French Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) successfully launched French Diamant-B rocket carrying Franco-German scientific satellite Dial (Diamant pour l'Allemagne) from Guiana Space Center (GSC), Kourou, French Guiana. Mission, under joint agreement with West Germany, was France's fifth successful launch. The 115-kg (253-lb) payload included German scientific "WI Kapsule" WIKA and French technological "Mini Kapsule" MIKA which was damaged by vibration between 2nd and 3rd stages. French capsule was to have checked Diamant-B stages during flight. Satellite entered orbit with 1613-km (1002.3-mi) apogee, 308-km (191.4-mi) perigee, 104.3-min period, and 5.4° inclination. (GSFC SR. 3/31/70; C Trib,3/11/70; Av Wk, 4/6/70; NASA Int Aff; SBD, 3/12/70, 57; SF, 5/ 70,189)

Subsystem test bed (STB), experimental, low-cost spacecraft module, began 10-day vacuum-chamber test at MSC to determine how STB reacted to temperature and vacuum extremes. It also would evaluate heat pipe, new device that might be useful in controlling temperature of future space vehicles. Test would subject STB, which had 4.6-m (15-ft) diameter and 2.7-m (9-ft) height, to temperatures from 200 K to 383 K (-100°F to +230°F) and to vacuum equivalent to that at 160 km (100 mi) above earth. (MSC Release 70-32)

Quincy (Mass.) Patriot Ledger editorial noted President's space goal message had not included Mars mission as major goal at this point. "More important is the consolidation and mastery of the space environment closer to earth, as well as greater application of space research to human problems. Fortunately, this is the emphasis of Mr. Nixon's new program." (Q Patriot Ledger, 3/10/70)

U.S. intention to begin deployment of MIRV missiles in June was disclosed by Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., at closed session of Senate Armed Services Committee, AP reported. (C Trib, 3/11/70, 18)

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