Mar 29 1969

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While Nixon Administration warned of $2- to $3-billion cut in FY 1970 budget, NASA was asking $100-million increase with good chance of approval, James J. Haggerty, Jr." said in Armed Forces Journal. "NASA officials report a generally warmer reception on Capitol Hill as a result of near-flawless performance on all of the manned Apollo missions." Apollo 1970 funding represented penultimate installment on basic program and "Congress can at last see light at the end of the tunnel." Most important, "extra $100-million is a real bargain price for the potential benefit ... one of those deals that the buyer can't afford to turn down. H you invest a hundred thousand in a magnificent home and the contractor demands another thousand to put a roof on it, you have little option." Since U.S. had committed $25 billion to program, "it would be questionable economy to settle for less than maximum benefit by withholding what amounts to two-fifths of one percent of the total. (AFJ, 3/29/69, 21)

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