Oct 10 1962

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NASA announced MARINER II would miss Venus by 20,900 mi. instead of the 9,000 mi. previously expected, but that the probe would still come "well within the region where the scientific planetary experiments are expected to be very effective." The added distance was caused by midcourse correction maneuver on Sept. 4 increasing MARINER II's velocity by 47 mph instead of the intended 45 mph.

NASA scientists said telemetry data from MARINER II indicated that (1) solar particle radiation appears to be sufficiently strong to distort solar magnetic fields; (2) some atmospheric gas was present in entire path of the probe; (3) density of small particles in deep space was at least 1,000 times less in interplanetary space than in the near vicinity of the earth.

DOD released "Project Horizon," an Army study of manned lunar flight program aimed at 1965 lunar landing. Written in 1959 as a classified report, the study was declassified in 10 security reviews by three agencies and unclassified version sent to House Science and Astronautics Committee at its request.

AEC displayed its latest radioisotope electrical power generator, Snap-9A, in exhibit at Whittier (Calif.) Civic Center. Designed to produce 20 watts of electrical power for several years, the nuclear generator was scheduled to power radio transmitters in USN Transit satellite to be launched into polar orbit within the next few months.

October 10-12. NASA held agency-wide representatives conference on automatic data processing in Washington, D.C.

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