Mar 18 1970

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U.S.S.R. launched Cosmos CCCXXVII from Plesetsk into orbit with 823-km (511.4-mi) apogee, 268-km (166.5-mi) perigee, 95.5-min period, and 70.9° inclination. (GSFC SSR, 3/31/70; SBD, 3/20/70, 99)

National Space Club's Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy was presented to Apollo 11 Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins at 13th Annual Goddard Memorial Dinner in Washington, D.C. Astronauts were cited for successfully accomplishing lunar landing that "climaxed a decade of dedication and technological advancement, and gave millions of Americans pride in their country and its achievements." Other awards included Goddard Historical Essay Award to Prof. John M. Logsdon of Catholic Univ. and Frank H. Winter of National Air and Space Museum and NSC Press Award to Thomas O'Toole of Washington Post. Astronautics Engineer Award was given to Dr. George M. Low, NASA Deputy. Administrator; and Nelson P. Jackson Aerospace Award, to Grumman Aerospace Corp. for Apollo LM. (Program)

Apollo 12 astronauts arrived in Djakarta, Indonesia, during world tour. They were welcomed by several thousand persons. (AP, .W Post, 3119/70)

Rep. George P. Miller (D-Calif.) introduced for himself and Rep. James G. Fulton (R-Pa.) and Rep. Ken Hechler (D-W. Va.) H.R. 16539, "to amend the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 to provide that the Secretary of Transportation shall be a member of the National Aeronautics and Space Council." (CR, 3/18/70, H1891)

Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, AEC Commissioner, announced selection of five scientists to receive 1970 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award for meritorious work in atomic energy: Dr. William J. Blair, Pacific Northwest Laboratory; Dr. James W. Cobble, Purdue Univ.; Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Brookhaven National Laboratory; and Dr. Michael M. May and Dr. Andrew M. Sessler, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. Awards would be presented May 11 at Univ. of California at Berkeley. (AEC Release N-39)

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