Jul 3 1970

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Soyuz IX Cosmonauts Andrian G. Nikolayev and Vitaly I. Sevastyanov emerged from 13-day postflight quarantine and were honored at special reception in Moscow. (AP, Minneapolis Trib, 7/4/70)

USAF C-5 Galaxy, world's largest aircraft, flew from Charleston AFB, S.C., in first of series of flights to airlift cargo between U.S. and U.S overseas military bases 'to demonstrate aircraft's operational capability. Aircraft was to stop at U.S. and Pacific bases to provide orientation and training for enroute command and support personnel and route familiarization for Military Airlift Command crews before beginning regular cargo flights. (DOD Release 552-70; USAF PIO)

New York Times editorial hailed decision by U.S. and U.S.S.R. to permit exchange of scientists between world's largest nuclear accelerators- at Serpukhov in U.S.S.R. and at Batavia, Ill. [see July 21] "This increased cooperation in particle physics contrasts sharply with the continued-and even rising-Soviet-American competition in space." NASA's Skylab project was case in point. "The semipermanent manned space station... is precisely the same goal toward which the Soviet Soyuz experiments are directed. The expensive and wasteful rivalry for priority in reaching the moon that preceded the Apollo 11 flight is being repeated in the effort to create manned orbiting vehicles for earth reconnaissance and scientific experiments in space." (NYT, 7/3/70, 24)

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