Sep 9 1964

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NASA's SYNCOM III synchronous-orbit communications satellite was 178.12° east longitude and 0.03° north latitude at noon, and was traveling along the equator drifting eastward at the rate of 2.8° per day. It was expected to reach the International Date Line (180°) tomorrow. SYNCOM In was inclined 0.081° to the equator, and its orbit ranged in altitude from 21,690-mi. perigee to 22,509-mi. apogee. Control maneuvers would be signaled tomorrow to decrease the satellite's apogee and increase the perigee, thus giving it a more nearly circular orbit. (NASA Release 64-230)

Cape Kennedy, prepared for the onslaught of Hurricane Dora by advance warnings including photographs by NIMBUS I satellite, escaped the second hurricane in a month with virtually no damage. (AP, 9/9/64)

Permanent Hall of Science was dedicated at World's Fair, New York City. Participating in dedication ceremony, NASA Administrator James E. Webb said the Hall of Science would "contribute to the understanding of those many disciplines which comprise modern scientific under-takings. . . Robert Moses, World's Fair president, noted particu-\larly the "extraordinary public interest in space exploration" in his remarks. (Webb Text; NASA LAR 111/172-78; NYT, 9/10/64)

At IAF, NASA's Dr. Eugene B. Konecci, cochairman with a Soviet delegate of space medicine sessions, said: "For the first time, the Russians are giving us technical laboratory data on their space research. We are quite encouraged by this exchange on a scientist-to-scientist basis." (AP, Denver Post, 9/9/64)

British Minister of Aviation Julian Amery announced at banquet of Society of British Aerospace Companies the government's decision to develop Black Knight rocket as an experimental satellite launcher. The new rocket, designated Black Prince, would be a three-stage con-figuration using hydrogen peroxide and kerosene in the first two stages and a solid-propellant spin-stabilized third stage. The first stage would be powered by a cluster of eight engines. Also announced were plans to accelerate research on an ocean-going hovercraft to fill a naval role. (AP, 9/9/64; A&A, 11/64, 116)

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