February 1934

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Lockheed Electra first flew, featuring introduction of twin fins and rudders.

The February issue of Practical Mechanics provides a report of some of the first meetings of the British Interplanetary Society.

"THE BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY SUCCESSFUL meetings were held on December 15th, 1933, and on January 5th, 1934. The former meeting was primarily concerned with the composition of the Journal of the Society, which has since been published. A competition was held to provide a suitable design for the cover. This was won by the Hon. President, Mr. P. E. Cleator, A.M.I.R.E., A.M.I.E.T., F.R.S.A., who came forward with the futuristic design now adorning the front page of the Journal. On January 6th, 1934, the Hon. Vice - President, Mr. Colin H. L. Askham (GOTT) took the Chair in the absence of the Hon. President, who is at the moment in Berlin on a visit to the German Society, the Verein fur Raumschiffahrt, the Secretary of which is Herr Otto Willy Ley. A talk was given at this meeting by the Hon. Vice -President, in collaboration with Mr. J. Davies (G20A), on " High Frequency Radiation and Interplanetary Communication," which proved most interesting, and led to much discussion on the possibilities. Meetings continue to be held at 81 Dale Street, Liverpool, 2, Room 15, Second Floor, at 6.30 p.m. Meetings are held fortnightly from January 5th, 1934, on Fridays, at the above time. Communications should be addressed to L. J. Johnson, 46 Mill Hill, Liverpool, 13."