Oct 20 1963

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Soviet Cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova visited the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate. Later in interview on East Berlin Radio-TV, Cosmonette Tereshkova stated "There are married women among our female cosmonauts. A friend of mine is married and has children and she has been prepared for a space flight in the same way as I was." Visit of cosmonauts to Berlin coincided with East German Parli­amentary elections. (Reuters, Wash. Post, 10/21/63, A3)

DOD was conducting a major R&D program for ground-to-space weapons capable of destroying hostile satellites, according to Richard Witkin of the New York Times. DOD Director of Re­search and Engineering Dr. Harold Brown had been quoted as saying that antisatellite defense systems were thought "important enough to put substantial work into" and that ground-based weapons seemed cheaper and more efficient than orbital weapons. (Witkin, NYT, 10/20/63, 1)

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