Mar 28 1961

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USAF Dyna-Soar System Project Office personnel visited NASA headquarters for review of technical and management programs.

President Kennedy requested Congress for $2 million so that NASA could aid FAA in development of supersonic transport aircraft. President also asked for $12 million increase in FAA budget.

NASA Goddard scientists reported that Explorer X had encountered magnetic fields considerably stronger than expected in its elongated orbit which carried it 112,500 miles from Earth (almost halfway to the Moon), although it would take several weeks to analyze acquired data.

Soviet press conference at Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow, at which Biochemist N. M. Sisakian announced that all six of Strelka's pups, on exhibit, were developing normally: "Our research on these animals, just completed, has proved that no dangerous consequences to the functioning of their organs have stemmed from the space flight. This problem has an important bearing on our preparations for man's orbiting." Alexander Topchiev, Vice Chairman of the Soviet Academy of Science, stated in Moscow that Western reports that some Soviet astronauts had perished in space flight attempt were "a complete fabrication entirely and absolutely unfounded." Occasion was press conference at the Academy of Science on the subject of the imminent flight of man into space, at which four space dogs and six offspring were televised.

Draft DOD directive on "Reconnaissance, Mapping, and Geodetic Programs" (5160.34), relative to development of military space systems, was sent to the services for comment.

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