Jul 17 1970

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NASA's HL-10 lifting-body vehicle, piloted by Maj. Peter C. Hoag (USAF), successfully completed 37th flight from FRC. Objectives-evaluation and documentation of powered approach, evaluation of straight-in GCA approach, and acquisition of longitudinal stability and control data in subsonic configuration-were met. (NASA Proj Off)

NASA announced it was seeking proposals for use of six orbiting satellites which had fulfilled their original scientific objectives but were still operational. Satellites- OGO I (launched Sept. 4, 1964), OGO III (launched June 6, 1966), Explorer XXXI (launched Nov. 28, 1965), Explorer XXXIII (launched July 1, 1966), OSO III (launched March 8, 1967), and OSO IV (launched Oct. 18, 1967)-had exceeded one year design lifetimes with most of onboard experiments. still functional and were available for new or expanded experimentation. (NASA Release 70-120)

House Committee on Science and Astronautics had tentatively approved funding of $6.5-million project to convert antenna 300-m (1000-ft) wide at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico to radar 2000 times more sensitive than any -in existence, New York Times reported. Modification of world's largest radiotelescope would enable telescope to map features on Venus down to mile in width. (Sullivan, NYT, 7/17/70)

Situation at KSC and in area on first anniversary of Apollo 11 launch was described by John N. Wilford in New York Times. Since July 1969, employment at KSC had dropped from 23 500 to 16 500 with major Apollo contractors hardest hit. At least 750 workers would be laid off as result of $12.2-million cut in Patrick AFB contract with Pan American World Airways, Inc., for operation of tracking stations. "For the entire Cape Kennedy area, it has been a year of economic woe, frustrated growth plans, for-sale signs and broken personal dreams. This is no ghost town, but the space-rush boom which in a decade doubled the Brevard County population to 230 000-is definitely over." Dr. Kurt H. Debus, KSC Director, had said, "We are on a downward trend but this should reach a level as of September." (NYT, 7/17/70, M27)

Senate passed with amendment S. 209, Smithsonian Institution facilities construction bill, which authorized sum not to exceed $500 000 for preliminary planning and design of museum support and depository facilities to be constructed on Federally owned land within District of Columbia. (CR, 7/17/70, S 11613)

ComSatCorp reported increase in 1970 second-quarter net income to $3 974 000 (40 cents per share), up from $1976 000 (20 cents per share) for second quarter of 1969. Earnings for first six months of 1970 totaled $7 319 000 (73 cents per share), increase from $3 501000 (35 cents per share) for first six months of 1969. (ComSatCorp Release 70-42)

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