Sep 20 1964

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Editorial in Washington Sunday Star: "There can be little doubt that President Johnson has been politically motivated in revealing that the United States today has in operation weapons systems capable of intercepting and destroying armed satel-lites orbiting the earth at very high altitudes. . . . "In effect, with the support of guarded detail from Defense Secretary McNamara, Mr. Johnson has lifted the lid on classified information in a way that tends to make the Republican candidate look a bit silly.. . . "Our presidential campaigns result in too much talk about things that might better be kept under wraps in an age as deadly as the present. "Still, . . . it is reassuring to be told that our country is equipped with devices designed to counter the most advanced Soviet weaponry, including rockets which Nikita Khrushchev claims can "hit a fly in the sky." Judging from the President's remarks, we appear to be at least as good as the Russians, if not better, at that Buck Rogers' game." (Wash. Sun. Star, 9/20/64)

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