Black Holes Wormholes the Development of a Dynamic Warp Drive Metric

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Author - K.F. Long

Co-Author(s) -

JBIS Volume # - 58

Page # - 146-154

Year - 2005

Keywords - Black holes, wormholes, warp drive, general relativity, metric

JBIS Reference Code # - 2005.58.146

Number of Pages - 9

[edit] Abstract

Using The General Theory of Relativity the properties of spacetime metrics are introduced in the context of Black Holes and Wormholes. Applying the same mathematical tools the development of a dynamic warp drive metric is then described as a possible solution to the interstellar distance barrier. The large negative energy density calculated from the stress-energy tensor required for a reasonable warp bubble radius is also dis- cussed. By demonstrating some of the historical and successful applications of metrics to astrophysics, this paper is intended to provide an introduction to the theory behind the warp drive and stimulate increased academic consideration of the subject.

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