Dec 21 1969

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Apollo 12 astronauts and wives attended Sunday services at White House and later were guests at informal dinner given by President and Mrs. Nixon. They stayed overnight at White House. (PD, 12/22/69, 1763; AP, B Sun, 12/22/69, A3)

Philadelphia Inquirer editorial criticized Dec. 15 proposal of Columbia Univ. scientist Dr. Gary V. Latham, principal investigator of seismic experiments for NASA Apollo missions, to set off nuclear blast on moon: .. the whole idea seems fundamentally repugnant and whether scientifically sound or not likely to lead into ramifications outweighing any possible return in scientific knowledge. . . . Reaction against such an experiment would be even more intense, if it were undertaken in cooperation, as proposed, with the Soviet Union. Nuclear devices are not toys to be used for scientific game playing anywhere on earth or in space." (P Inq, 12/21/69)

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