Feb 17 1986

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Forty miles off the Florida coast and at a depth of 1,200 feet, a four-man submarine recovered debris and took photographs of what engineers hoped was Challenger's right booster rocket. As the investigation moved further ahead, the Presidential Commission looking into the accident asked NASA to remove from its own investigation any officials involved in the decision to launch the Shuttle. (B Sun, Feb 18/86; NY Times, Feb 18/86; W Post, Feb 18/86; P Inq, Feb 18/86; W Times, Feb 17/86)

NASA Requested $45 million for fiscal year 1987 to accelerate research for its next generation spacecraft, a hypersonic transatmospheric vehicle, or "space plane", capable of Mach 25 (about 17,000 mph). Able to fly into orbit, reenter the atmosphere and achieve orbit again while being completely reusable, the craft would have both commercial and military applications. (W Times, Feb 17/86)

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