Jan 11 1964

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Philco Corp. had begun cable and pneumatic tube installation in the Mission Control Center under construction at NASA Manned Space­craft Center, MSC announced. Philco was prime contractor for flight control equipment for the Project Gemini/Apollo facility, which was scheduled for occupancy in mid-1964. (MSC Release 64-8)

USAF launched Thor-Agena D booster from PMR with unidentified satellite payload. It was later disclosed that five satellites were orbited with the single booster. (HHN-4 8 )

James J. Haggerty, Jr., predicted that assignment of Manned Orbiting Laboratory to DOD was "an ominous harbinger of a reversal in trend, an indication that the military services may play a more prominent role in future space exploration at NASA'S expense. . . "MOL is a starting point. Whether you label it development platform, satellite or laboratory, it is clearly intended as a beginning for space station technology. It is also clearly the intent of this Administration that, at least in the initial stages, space station development shall be under military rather than civil, cognizance. . . ." (A-N-AF MR, 1/11/64, 10)

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