Sep 13 1969

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Aerospace Corp. announced election of Dr. T. Keith Glennan, President Emeritus of Case Institute of Technology and first NASA Administrator (1958-1961), as Chairman of Board of Trustees. Sherrod E. Skinner retired as Chairman and L/G James H. Doolittle (USAF, Ret.), Vice Chairman, also retired during annual meeting of Board of Trustees. Skinner and Gen. Doolittle were awarded USAF Exceptional Service Award by Under Secretary of the Air Force John L. McLucas in El Segundo, Calif." ceremony Sept. 12 (Aerospace Release; CR, 9/25/69, E7813)

Smithsonian Institution Curator of Meteorites, Dr. Kurt Fredriksson, arrived in Washington, D.C." carrying 10 gr of lunar material from LRL in nitrogen-filled plastic bag inside steel briefcase. One of six men in U.S. who had studied lunar samples, he later said Smithsonian scientist Dr. Bryan H. Mason would receive another 10-gr set. (Conroy, W News, 9/16/69, 5)

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