Sep 20 1969

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Economist commented on lunar investigation: "Scientists, unlike engineers, are not at this stage interested in whether the moon can be made habitable; but this, rather than its age, or peculiarities of its composition, is what the astronauts went out to the moon to find. The results are more encouraging than anyone but the confirmed star gazers could have hoped. Space is not unfriendly; nor is the moon, superficially barren though it looks. What we need are more assurances about sources of water which space planners continue to be convinced is trapped in, and can be extracted from, the rocks. Also more data on those surprising experiments where plants have thrived on moon soil. . . . And some idea about whether it will be possible to protect man from ultraviolet radiation up there, without having to put him in a protective pressure suit." (Economist, 9/20/69, 17)

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