Shouting in the Jungle - The SETI Transmission Debate

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Author - H.P. Shuch et al

Co-Author(s) - H. P. Schuch; I. Almar

JBIS Volume # - 60

Page # - 142-146

Year - 2007

Keywords - San Marino Scale, SETI, METI

JBIS Reference Code # - 2007.60.142

Number of Pages - 5

[edit] Abstract

The prudence of transmitting deliberate messages from Earth into interstellar space remains controversial. Reasoned risk- benefit analysis is needed, to inform policy recommendations by such bodies as the International Academy of Astronautics SETI Permanent Study Group. As a first step, at the 2005 International Astronautical Congress in Fukuoka, we discussed the San Marino Scale, a new analytical tool for assessing transmission risk. That Scale was updated, and a revised version presented at the 2006 IAC in Valencia. We are now in a position to recommend specific improvements to the scale we proposed for quantifying terrestrial transmissions. Our intent is to make this tool better reflect the detectability and potential impact of recent and proposed messages beamed from Earth. We believe the changes proposed herein strengthen the San Marino Scale as an analytical tool, and bring us closer to its eventual adoption.

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