Testing a Claim of Extraterrestrial Technology

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Author - H.P. Shuch et al

Co-Author(s) - H. P. Schuch; A. Tough

JBIS Volume # - 60

Page # - 154-156

Year - 2007

Keywords - Extraterrestrial electromagnetic technology, Invitation to ETI, SETI

JBIS Reference Code # - 2007.60.154

Number of Pages - 3

[edit] Abstract

In December 2004, members of The SETI League, Inc. and the Invitation to ETI group were called upon to evaluate, and ultimately perform laboratory testing of, a claim of extraterrestrial electromagnetic technology present on Earth. These tests were undertaken because, although the claims were highly questionable, the claimant himself seemed reasonably credible, and a positive outcome, though unlikely, could have tremendous payoffs. The claim was rigorously tested but this produced a null result. This paper explores the initial claim, our reaction to it, the evaluation process, the observed results, lessons learned, and our conclusions. Despite the outcome, it was felt that all concerned showed great professionalism, and applied scientific rigor to a challenging situation.

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