Mar 8 1964

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At meeting in Geneva, U.S. delegation to the U.N. Committee an the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Legal Subcommittee submitted to the Subcommittee drafts of two treaties. One draft treaty dealt with aid to astronauts in distress, calling for nations to take "all possible steps to assist or rescue promptly the personnel of spacecraft" having difficulty or making emergency landings. Astronauts making emergency landings would be returned to their own country "promptly and safely," and any spaceship or its parts falling to earth would be returned to country of ownership at the country's request. The second treaty, dealing with liability for damage caused by spacecraft, would establish a "simple and expeditious procedure to provide financial protection against damage." (NYT, 3/10/64, 8)

Plans for two-acre U.S. Space Park at New York World's Fair were announced by DOD and NASA. The Space Park would feature largest exhibit of full-scale USAF and NASA rockets and spacecraft ever assembled outside Cape Kennedy. (NASA Release 64-54; DOD Release 197-64)

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