Jan 17 1970

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Washington Evening Star editorial commented on Nixon Administration's cut in space funding: "The lowering of the sights in space is regrettable. It is unfortunate that, with the new frontier now open to us, we cannot move out to the full extent of our technical ability. But the decision to cut down on expenditures and to spread out the enormous cost of space exploration was no mistake.... The planets and the ocean of space beyond have endured for quite some time. They will wait undisturbed for man's intrusions. The economy is not so accommodating." (W Star, 1/17/70,

Bob P. Helgeson, former NASA Director of Safety, died of cancer at age 49. Helgeson had retired from NASA in September 1969 because of illness. He had been Deputy Manager of AEC's Hanford Atomic Works and Director of AEC-NASA nuclear rocket development station in Jackass Flats, Nev., before becoming Director of Safety in January 1968. (W Post, 1/19/70, D4)

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